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Grafenwoehr's Art Association
at Creative Arts Fundamentals School & Studio 

ACAF Membership


















​​                  Christine Anne N. Fiala welcoming current and future students, and future German and American art 

                  instructors to help build an art association worthy of Grafenwoehr, her adopted home.  Photo: Renate Gradl


Membership is offered to any natural or legal person in the realization of the Association’s objectives may become a member.  All members of this Association  must be of legal age.  Parents and legal guardians may transfer their membership benefits to a minor. All Memberships within this Association are contractual agreements with a term of 12 months.​


Forms of Memberships governing Association interactions include:  

  1. Active Membership   

  2. Passive Membership   

  3. Honorary Membership      


Active Membership reflects active participation in the lessons, classes, or events offered by the Association. Under this membership, fees will be charged, as determined by the Executive Board, with the amount of the fee, its payment methods, and its due date determined by resolution at a convened Executive General Meeting or at the annual General Meeting.  Membership fees will be per German law, annual contracts and are nonrefundable.  Active Membership must be applied for in writing to the Association.  The Executive Board manages the admission, denial, exclusion, resignation, and conclusion of all memberships within the Association.  The current fee for an active membership is €50.00 per month, for an annual total of €600,00.  This fee may be paid in accordance with member registration preference. 

Monthly membership payments of €50.00 are based on the German mandated minimum working rate, which is currently €12,41.  The eventual increasing minimum working rate determining any increase to raise the membership fee, if the volume of memberships within the Association cannot exert the increase in the current fee.  The membership fee equates to participating in 4 hours of art each month, according to the posted schedule.    Class scheduling is further outlined in Addendum No. 2.   Membership contracts and fees align with the academic year of September through August. Timely membership payments assist to constitute membership in good standing with all payments made according to one of four payment options


Passive Membership is recognized by the written recommendation from an Association Member describing an individual’s supportive contribution to the Association.  Passive members are not active members within the Association, are exempt from the annual membership fee, and do not have voting rights within the Association.​  Passive members are those who donate materials and/or funds according to their individual preference, within the allotted total maximum, in support of the Association purposes.  Passive members may or may not be identified to the general meeting according to personal preference of anonymity.        


Honorary Membership is awarded at the recommendation of the Executive Board to persons who have rendered outstanding services to the Association by promotion and donation.  Honorary memberships are announced at the Annual General Meeting, are confirmed by Association members, and presented with an appropriate Association token of appreciation.  Honorary members are not active members within the Association, are exempt from the annual membership fee and do not have voting rights within the Association.   Honorary Members are businesses that or persons who donate money to the Association.  This money will be considered a charitable contribution for tax purposes.  These funds will be used, as deemed fit by the Association, to best serve the community.  These members may qualify for incentives and/or special recognition to the respective business or person by the Association.  Donations of honorary members are designated according to Silver,  Gold  or Platinum.     


​The intent, wording, and authorities outlined in the Articles of Association remain superior and effective in the event of any confllict of interpreatation totlined in this addendum.



Expanding on previous years of teaching art on all educational levels, Grafenwoehr´s Art Association at Creative Art Fundamentals School & Studio, provides comprehensive art lessons (in single units or consecutive classes) to nurture basic understanding, art-making fundamentals, and creative enjoyment within each learning experience.

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