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Current Lesson Pages : Tuition Payment Instructions

Tuition Payment Instructions

  • Registration & Payment Process

    • Registration Form : Step One, complete and send your "detailed" registration form to CAF via the website email link.

    • CAF Email Response : Step Two, receive CAF's email response to your registration form, which includes your  confirmation code, applied discounts, tuition due, and payment due date.

    • Payment : Step Three, following the ACAF Membership guidance, complete automatic payments authority or, for independent students, make your full-fee online payment according to the banking information below, use sum-up payment method at the studio (usage fees apply) or pay in cash, with receipt exchange, directly at the ACAF location at Alte Amberger Straße 2.  ** Tuition is due on or before the first lesson each month. *  


  • CAF Tuition Calculations : â€‹CAF Tuition calculations are based on the offer of weekly lessons per month, according to three age groups:

    • Ages 2 - 5 :  Two monthly lessons are scheduled for 2 hours of art-making per lesson, paid monthly through membership automatic withdrawals of €50.00 or independent payments paid at the hourly rate of €15.00 per hour, for the tuition payment of €60.00.  

    • Ages 6 - 15 :  â€‹Two monthly lessons are scheduled for 2 hours of art-making per lesson, paid monthly through membership automatic withdrawals of €50.00 or independent payments paid at the hourly rate of €15.00 per hour, for the tuition payment of €60.00.   (Also applies to students, ages 16 and 17, who are registered and actively attend a German or American educational school. ) 

    • Ages 16 + : â€‹Two monthly lessons are scheduled for 2 hours of art-making per lesson, paid monthly through membership automatic withdrawals of €50.00 or independent payments paid at the hourly rate of €20.00 per hour, for the tuition payment of €40.00. 

    • Tuition Discounts :  When eligible, ages 2-17 receive discounts based on siblings attendance, while ages 16+ receive discounts based on senior age and attendance continuity.  Discounts are available for group events based on total number of participants and organization status. Additionally, as feasible, tuition assistance may be possible for individual attendance.


  • ​Tuition Refunds & Absences :  

    • Weekly classes, per month, fluctuate according to German and U.S. Holidays, resulting in the offer of an alternate date.

    • Absences do occur :

      • ​Refunds are directly aligned to the medical inability of the student to complete the art lesson, according to a submitted, confirming doctor's note.

      • Absences related to other than a medical inability are not refunded. 


  • Tuition Payments :  

    • Membership Students : Tuition payments are automatically withdrawn on the 7th day of each month, adjusted to the next banking day if the 7th day is a Sunday or a banking holiday.

    • Independent Students : Tuition payments are due on or before the first lesson attended in each month. 

    • Independent Payment Method : The preferred payment method is by direct deposit to the CAF School and Studio account at the Raiffeisenbank in Grafenwöhr.  

      • CAF S&S Banking IBAN : DE58 7706 9764 0104 0515 21

      • CAS S&S Banking BIC : GENODEF1KEM

      • Full monthly payments can also be made by credit card on our new easy SUM-UP machines.  (A service charge of €2.00 will apply).

      • ​Late Fee : A late fee of €5.00 will be charged for all payments received after the stated due date each month, as annotated to the lesson / class Registration Form.

      • Deposit Slip Reference Information : "Class/Lesson, Name(s) of Student, Month and Year"

      • Cash Payments : If required / coordinated, cash payments can be made directly at ACAF, with receipt exchange.


Expanding on previous years of teaching art on all educational levels, Creative Art Fundamentals School & Studio, provides comprehensive art lessons (in single units or consecutive classes) to nurture basic understanding, art-making fundamentals, and creative enjoyment within each learning experience.

© All Rights Reserved. No portion of this website may be reprinted without permission. 

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